simulations_study/multivariate_data_generation_two_bases_with errors.R

## Parameters and functions

#require(glmnet) # For Lasso initialization
# require(quadrupen) # For Lasso initialization
# require(robustbase) # For robust fitting of alpha
library(TreeSim) # For simulation of the tree
#require(ggplot2) # Plot
#require(reshape2) # Plot
#require(grid) # Plot

savedatafile = "../Results/Simulations_Multivariate/multivariate_simlist"

## Fixed parameters for simulations
process <- "OU"
p_base <- 4 # number of traits
beta_0 <- rep(0, p_base) # ancestral optimum
alpha_base <- 1 # selection strength
gamma_base <- 1 # gamma squared stationary variance
sigma_base <- 2*alpha_base*gamma_base # sigma squared variance
K_base <- 3 # number of shifts
ntaxa_base <- 160 # number of taxa
factor_shift_base <- 1.25 # multiplicative factor for shifts
r_base <- c(0, 0.4) # correlation coefficients
s_base <- 1 # non diagonal coefficient
NA_base <- 0 # % of NAs
## Mispesifications
e_base <- 0 # diagonal error base
e_base_cor <- 0.5 # error when adding correlations
er_base <- 0 # non-diagonal error base
lambda_base <- Inf # coef gamma distribution(lam, 1/lam)

## alpha grid
alpha_grid <- c(2, 3) # alpha varies with gamma squared fixed to 1

## Number of shifts for simulation
K_grid <- c(0, 3, 7, 11, 15) # number of shifts
factor_shift_grid <- c(0.5, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3) # multiplicative factor

## correlations
r_grid <- c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8) # non diagonal elements for A (alpha_base*r) or R (sigma_base*r)

## Non scalar
s_grid <- c(2, 4, 6, 8) # additive diagonal for two lowers of A

## NAs
NA_grid <- c(0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5)

## Number of taxa
ntaxa_grid <- c(32, 64, 96, 128, 192, 256)

## replication depth (number of replicates per )
nrep <- 1:200

## errors diagonal
e_grid <- c(0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5)

## errors off-diagonal
er_grid <- c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8)

## errors on the tree length
lambda_grid <- 1/c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)

## The combination of simulation parameters
# Base
simparams_base <- expand.grid(alpha_base, gamma_base, K_base,
                              r_base, r_base[1], s_base,
                              factor_shift_base, ntaxa_base, NA_base, nrep,
                              e_base, er_base, lambda_base,
# Alpha
simparams_alpha <- expand.grid(alpha_grid, gamma_base, K_base,
                               r_base[1], r_base[1], s_base,
                               factor_shift_base, ntaxa_base, NA_base, nrep,
                               e_base, er_base, lambda_base,
# K AND Factors
simparams_K <- expand.grid(alpha_base, gamma_base, K_grid,
                           r_base[2], r_base[1], s_base,
                           factor_shift_grid, ntaxa_base, NA_base, nrep,
                           e_base, er_base, lambda_base,
# r drift
simparams_r_drift <- expand.grid(alpha_base, gamma_base, K_base,
                                 r_grid, r_base[1], s_base,
                                 factor_shift_base, ntaxa_base, NA_base, nrep,
                                 e_base, er_base, lambda_base,
# r selection
simparams_r_selection <- expand.grid(alpha_base, gamma_base, K_base,
                                     r_base[1], r_grid, s_base,
                                     factor_shift_base, ntaxa_base, NA_base, nrep,
                                     e_base, er_base, lambda_base,
# s diagonal selection
simparams_s <- expand.grid(alpha_base, gamma_base, K_base,
                           r_base[1], r_base[1], s_grid,
                           factor_shift_base, ntaxa_base, NA_base, nrep,
                           e_base, er_base, lambda_base,
# % of NAs
simparams_NA <- expand.grid(alpha_base, gamma_base, K_base,
                            r_base[1], r_base[1], s_base,
                            factor_shift_base, ntaxa_base, NA_grid, nrep,
                            e_base, er_base, lambda_base,
# ntaxa
simparams_ntaxa <- expand.grid(alpha_base, gamma_base, K_base,
                               r_base[1], r_base[1], s_base,
                               factor_shift_base, ntaxa_grid, NA_base, nrep,
                               e_base, er_base, lambda_base,

# error diagonal
simparams_ediag <- expand.grid(alpha_base, gamma_base, K_base,
                               r_base[2], r_base[1], s_base,
                               factor_shift_base, ntaxa_base, NA_base, nrep,
                               e_grid, er_base, lambda_base,

# error correlations
simparams_ecor <- expand.grid(alpha_base, gamma_base, K_base,
                               r_base[2], r_base[1], s_base,
                               factor_shift_base, ntaxa_base, NA_base, nrep,
                              e_base_cor, er_grid, lambda_base,

# error lengths
simparams_length <- expand.grid(alpha_base, gamma_base, K_base,
                               r_base[2], r_base[1], s_base,
                               factor_shift_base, ntaxa_base, NA_base, nrep,
                               e_base, er_base, lambda_grid,

simparams <- rbind(simparams_base,
                   # simparams_alpha,
                   # simparams_K,
                   # simparams_r_drift,
                   # simparams_r_selection,
                   # simparams_s,
                   # simparams_NA,
                   # simparams_ntaxa,
colnames(simparams) <- c("alpha", "gamma", "K", "rd", "rs", "s", "factor_shift",
                         "ntaxa", "NA_per", "nrep", "e", "er", "l", "grp")

## Remove redondancies
# Base
mask <- (simparams$K == K_base) & (simparams$factor_shift == factor_shift_base) & (simparams$grp == "K_var")
simparams <- simparams[!mask, ]
# zero shift
mask <- (simparams$K == 0) & (simparams$factor_shift != 1) & (simparams$grp == "K_var")
simparams <- simparams[!mask, ] # 54*200 x 11

simparams$correlated_base <- simparams$rd == r_base[2]
simparams$correlated_base[simparams$grp == "K_var"] <- FALSE

## Generation of trees
trees <- vector(mode = "list"); times_shared <- vector(mode = "list");
distances_phylo <- vector(mode = "list"); subtree.list <- vector(mode = "list");
T_tree <- vector(mode = "list"); K_try <- vector(mode = "list");
h_tree <- vector(mode = "list")
lambda <- 0.1
for (nta in c(128, 32, 64, 96, 160, 192, 256)){
  # Generate tree with nta taxa
  trees[[paste0(nta)]] <- = nta, numbsim = 1, 
                                          lambda = lambda, mu = 0,
                                          age = 1, mrca = TRUE)[[1]]
  # Fixed tree quantities
  times_shared[[paste0(nta)]] <- compute_times_ca(trees[[paste0(nta)]])
  distances_phylo[[paste0(nta)]] <- compute_dist_phy(trees[[paste0(nta)]])
  subtree.list[[paste0(nta)]] <- enumerate_tips_under_edges(trees[[paste0(nta)]])
  T_tree[[paste0(nta)]] <- incidence.matrix(trees[[paste0(nta)]])
  h_tree[[paste0(nta)]] <- max(diag(times_shared[[paste0(nta)]])[1:nta])
  # Number of tries (depends on tree)
  K_try[[paste0(nta)]] <- 0:max(floor(sqrt(nta)), 10)

## Generation of shifts
# plot(trees[["128"]], show.tip.label = FALSE); edgelabels(); tiplabels()

shifts_grid <- vector(mode = "list")

## 128 - 3
shifts_grid[["128_3"]] <- list(edges = c(9, 72, 209),
                               values=cbind(rep(1.9, p_base),
                                            rep(-1.7, p_base),
                                            rep(1.7, p_base)),
                               relativeTimes = 0)

# Means at the tips ?
Delta <- shifts.list_to_matrix(trees[["128"]], shifts_grid[["128_3"]])
W <- PhylogeneticEM:::compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric(trees[["128"]], alpha_base * diag(1, p_base, p_base))
vec_Y <- kronecker(T_tree[["128"]], diag(1, p_base, p_base)) %*% W %*% as.vector(Delta) <- matrix(vec_Y, p_base, 128) + beta_0
unique([1, ])
# plot_data.process.actual(Y.state =[1, ],
#                          phylo = trees[["128"]], 
#                          params = list(shifts = list(edges = shifts_grid[["128_3"]]$edges, values = shifts_grid[["128_3"]]$values[1, ])),
#                          adj.root = 0,
#                          automatic_colors = TRUE,
#                          margin_plot = NULL,
#                          cex = 2,
#                          bg_shifts = "azure2",
#                          bg_beta_0 = "azure2")
# Equivalent solutions ?
PhylogeneticEM:::extract.parsimonyNumber(parsimonyNumber(trees[["128"]], clusters_from_shifts(trees[["128"]], shifts_grid[["128_3"]]$edges)))

# ## 128 - 7
# shifts_grid[["128_7"]] <- list(edges = c(8, 72, 193,
#                                      117, 179, 33, 84),
#                            values = cbind(rep(2.1, p_base),
#                                           rep(-2.1, p_base),
#                                           rep(2.1, p_base),
#                                           rep(-2.1, p_base),
#                                           rep(-2.1, p_base),
#                                           rep(2.4, p_base),
#                                           rep(4.4, p_base)),
#                            relativeTimes = rep(0, p_base))
# # Means at the tips ?
# Delta <- shifts.list_to_matrix(trees[["128"]], shifts_grid[["128_7"]])
# W <- PhylogeneticEM:::compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric(trees[["128"]], alpha_base * diag(1, p_base, p_base))
# vec_Y <- kronecker(T_tree[["128"]], diag(1, p_base, p_base)) %*% W %*% as.vector(Delta)
# <- matrix(vec_Y, p_base, ntaxa_base) + beta_0
# unique([1, ])
# plot_data.process.actual(Y.state =[1, ],
#                          phylo = trees[["128"]], 
#                          params = list(shifts = list(edges = shifts_grid[["128_7"]]$edges, values = shifts_grid[["128_7"]]$values[1, ])),
#                          adj.root = 0,
#                          automatic_colors = TRUE,
#                          margin_plot = NULL,
#                          cex = 2,
#                          bg_shifts = "azure2",
#                          bg_beta_0 = "azure2")
# # Equivalent solutions ?
# PhylogeneticEM:::extract.parsimonyNumber(parsimonyNumber(trees[["128"]], clusters_from_shifts(trees[["128"]], shifts_grid[["128_7"]]$edges)))
# ## 128 - 11
# shifts_grid[["128_11"]] <- list(edges = c(8, 72, 193,
#                                       117, 179, 33, 84,
#                                       231, 210, 157, 127),
#                             values = cbind(rep(2.1, p_base),
#                                            rep(-2.1, p_base),
#                                            rep(2.1, p_base),
#                                            rep(-2.1, p_base),
#                                            rep(-2.1, p_base),
#                                            rep(2.4, p_base),
#                                            rep(4.4, p_base),
#                                            rep(-2.1, p_base),
#                                            rep(2.4, p_base),
#                                            rep(2.2, p_base),
#                                            rep(-2.5, p_base)),
#                             relativeTimes = rep(0, p_base))
# # Means at the tips ?
# Delta <- shifts.list_to_matrix(trees[["128"]], shifts_grid[["128_11"]])
# W <- PhylogeneticEM:::compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric(trees[["128"]], alpha_base * diag(1, p_base, p_base))
# vec_Y <- kronecker(T_tree[["128"]], diag(1, p_base, p_base)) %*% W %*% as.vector(Delta)
# <- matrix(vec_Y, p_base, ntaxa_base) + beta_0
# unique([1, ])
# plot_data.process.actual(Y.state =[1, ],
#                          phylo = trees[["128"]], 
#                          params = list(shifts = list(edges = shifts_grid[["128_11"]]$edges, values = shifts_grid[["128_11"]]$values[1, ])),
#                          adj.root = 0,
#                          automatic_colors = TRUE,
#                          margin_plot = NULL,
#                          cex = 2,
#                          bg_shifts = "azure2",
#                          bg_beta_0 = "azure2")
# # Equivalent solutions ?
# PhylogeneticEM:::extract.parsimonyNumber(parsimonyNumber(trees[["128"]], clusters_from_shifts(trees[["128"]], shifts_grid[["128_11"]]$edges)))
# ## 128 -  15
# shifts_grid[["128_15"]] <- list(edges = c(8, 72, 193,
#                                       117, 179, 33, 84,
#                                       231, 210, 157, 127,
#                                       20, 96, 199, 239),
#                             values = cbind(rep(2.1, p_base),
#                                            rep(-2.1, p_base),
#                                            rep(2.1, p_base),
#                                            rep(-2.1, p_base),
#                                            rep(-2.1, p_base),
#                                            rep(2.4, p_base),
#                                            rep(4.4, p_base),
#                                            rep(-2.1, p_base),
#                                            rep(2.4, p_base),
#                                            rep(2.2, p_base),
#                                            rep(-2.5, p_base),
#                                            rep(-5.2, p_base),
#                                            rep(2.6, p_base),
#                                            rep(-4.5, p_base),
#                                            rep(-2.5, p_base)),
#                             relativeTimes = rep(0, p_base))
# # Means at the tips ?
# Delta <- shifts.list_to_matrix(trees[["128"]], shifts_grid[["128_15"]])
# W <- PhylogeneticEM:::compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric(trees[["128"]], alpha_base * diag(1, p_base, p_base))
# vec_Y <- kronecker(T_tree[["128"]], diag(1, p_base, p_base)) %*% W %*% as.vector(Delta)
# <- matrix(vec_Y, p_base, ntaxa_base) + beta_0
# unique([1, ])
# plot_data.process.actual(Y.state =[1, ],
#                          phylo = trees[["128"]], 
#                          params = list(shifts = list(edges = shifts_grid[["128_15"]]$edges, values = shifts_grid[["128_15"]]$values[1, ])),
#                          adj.root = 0,
#                          automatic_colors = TRUE,
#                          margin_plot = NULL,
#                          cex = 2,
#                          bg_shifts = "azure2",
#                          bg_beta_0 = "azure2")
# # Equivalent solutions ?
# PhylogeneticEM:::extract.parsimonyNumber(parsimonyNumber(trees[["128"]], clusters_from_shifts(trees[["128"]], shifts_grid[["128_15"]]$edges)))

## 32 -  3
# plot(trees[["32"]], show.tip.label = FALSE); edgelabels(); tiplabels()
shifts_grid[["32_3"]] <- list(edges = c(6, 20, 48),
                              values = cbind(rep(2.1, p_base),
                                             rep(-2.0, p_base),
                                             rep(1.6, p_base)),
                              relativeTimes = rep(0, p_base))

# Means at the tips ?
Delta <- shifts.list_to_matrix(trees[["32"]], shifts_grid[["32_3"]])
W <- PhylogeneticEM:::compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric(trees[["32"]], alpha_base * diag(1, p_base, p_base))
vec_Y <- kronecker(T_tree[["32"]], diag(1, p_base, p_base)) %*% W %*% as.vector(Delta) <- matrix(vec_Y, p_base, 32) + beta_0
unique([1, ])
# plot_data.process.actual(Y.state =[1, ],
#                          phylo = trees[["32"]], 
#                          params = list(shifts = list(edges = shifts_grid[["32_3"]]$edges, values = shifts_grid[["32_3"]]$values[1, ])),
#                          adj.root = 0,
#                          automatic_colors = TRUE,
#                          margin_plot = NULL,
#                          cex = 2,
#                          bg_shifts = "azure2",
#                          bg_beta_0 = "azure2")
# Equivalent solutions ?
PhylogeneticEM:::extract.parsimonyNumber(parsimonyNumber(trees[["32"]], clusters_from_shifts(trees[["32"]], shifts_grid[["32_3"]]$edges)))

## 64 -  3
# plot(trees[["64"]], show.tip.label = FALSE); edgelabels(); tiplabels()
shifts_grid[["64_3"]] <- list(edges = c(3, 44, 92),
                              values = cbind(rep(1.8, p_base),
                                             rep(-1.9, p_base),
                                             rep(1.8, p_base)),
                              relativeTimes = rep(0, p_base))

# Means at the tips ?
Delta <- shifts.list_to_matrix(trees[["64"]], shifts_grid[["64_3"]])
W <- PhylogeneticEM:::compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric(trees[["64"]], alpha_base * diag(1, p_base, p_base))
vec_Y <- kronecker(T_tree[["64"]], diag(1, p_base, p_base)) %*% W %*% as.vector(Delta) <- matrix(vec_Y, p_base, 64) + beta_0
unique([1, ])
# plot_data.process.actual(Y.state =[1, ],
#                          phylo = trees[["64"]], 
#                          params = list(shifts = list(edges = shifts_grid[["64_3"]]$edges, values = shifts_grid[["64_3"]]$values[1, ])),
#                          adj.root = 0,
#                          automatic_colors = TRUE,
#                          margin_plot = NULL,
#                          cex = 2,
#                          bg_shifts = "azure2",
#                          bg_beta_0 = "azure2")
# Equivalent solutions ?
PhylogeneticEM:::extract.parsimonyNumber(parsimonyNumber(trees[["64"]], clusters_from_shifts(trees[["64"]], shifts_grid[["64_3"]]$edges)))

## 96 -  3
# plot(trees[["96"]], show.tip.label = FALSE); edgelabels(); tiplabels()
shifts_grid[["96_3"]] <- list(edges = c(48, 80, 116),
                              values = cbind(rep(1.7, p_base),
                                             rep(-1.8, p_base),
                                             rep(1.8, p_base)),
                              relativeTimes = rep(0, p_base))

# Means at the tips ?
Delta <- shifts.list_to_matrix(trees[["96"]], shifts_grid[["96_3"]])
W <- PhylogeneticEM:::compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric(trees[["96"]], alpha_base * diag(1, p_base, p_base))
vec_Y <- kronecker(T_tree[["96"]], diag(1, p_base, p_base)) %*% W %*% as.vector(Delta) <- matrix(vec_Y, p_base, 96) + beta_0
unique([1, ])
# plot_data.process.actual(Y.state =[1, ],
#                          phylo = trees[["96"]], 
#                          params = list(shifts = list(edges = shifts_grid[["96_3"]]$edges, values = shifts_grid[["96_3"]]$values[1, ])),
#                          adj.root = 0,
#                          automatic_colors = TRUE,
#                          margin_plot = NULL,
#                          cex = 2,
#                          bg_shifts = "azure2",
#                          bg_beta_0 = "azure2")
# Equivalent solutions ?
PhylogeneticEM:::extract.parsimonyNumber(parsimonyNumber(trees[["96"]], clusters_from_shifts(trees[["96"]], shifts_grid[["96_3"]]$edges)))

## 160 -  3
# plot(trees[["160"]], show.tip.label = FALSE); edgelabels(); tiplabels()
shifts_grid[["160_3"]] <- list(edges = c(107, 62, 255),
                               values = cbind(rep(1.7, p_base),
                                              rep(-1.7, p_base),
                                              rep(1.7, p_base)),
                               relativeTimes = rep(0, p_base))

# Means at the tips ?
Delta <- shifts.list_to_matrix(trees[["160"]], shifts_grid[["160_3"]])
W <- PhylogeneticEM:::compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric(trees[["160"]], alpha_base * diag(1, p_base, p_base))
vec_Y <- kronecker(T_tree[["160"]], diag(1, p_base, p_base)) %*% W %*% as.vector(Delta) <- matrix(vec_Y, p_base, 160) + beta_0
unique([1, ])
# plot_data.process.actual(Y.state =[1, ],
#                          phylo = trees[["160"]], 
#                          params = list(shifts = list(edges = shifts_grid[["160_3"]]$edges, values = shifts_grid[["160_3"]]$values[1, ])),
#                          adj.root = 0,
#                          automatic_colors = TRUE,
#                          margin_plot = NULL,
#                          cex = 2,
#                          bg_shifts = "azure2",
#                          bg_beta_0 = "azure2")
# Equivalent solutions ?
PhylogeneticEM:::extract.parsimonyNumber(parsimonyNumber(trees[["160"]], clusters_from_shifts(trees[["160"]], shifts_grid[["160_3"]]$edges)))

## 160 - 7
shifts_grid[["160_7"]] <- list(edges = c(107, 62, 255,
                                         18, 204, 175, 276),
                               values = cbind(rep(1.7, p_base),
                                              rep(-1.7, p_base),
                                              rep(1.7, p_base),
                                              rep(1.7, p_base),
                                              rep(-1.8, p_base),
                                              rep(2.9, p_base),
                                              rep(2.2, p_base)),
                               relativeTimes = rep(0, p_base))

# Means at the tips ?
Delta <- shifts.list_to_matrix(trees[["160"]], shifts_grid[["160_7"]])
W <- PhylogeneticEM:::compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric(trees[["160"]], alpha_base * diag(1, p_base, p_base))
vec_Y <- kronecker(T_tree[["160"]], diag(1, p_base, p_base)) %*% W %*% as.vector(Delta) <- matrix(vec_Y, p_base, 160) + beta_0
unique([1, ])
# plot_data.process.actual(Y.state =[1, ],
#                          phylo = trees[["160"]], 
#                          params = list(shifts = list(edges = shifts_grid[["160_7"]]$edges, values = shifts_grid[["160_7"]]$values[1, ])),
#                          adj.root = 0,
#                          automatic_colors = TRUE,
#                          margin_plot = NULL,
#                          cex = 2,
#                          bg_shifts = "azure2",
#                          bg_beta_0 = "azure2")
# Equivalent solutions ?
PhylogeneticEM:::extract.parsimonyNumber(parsimonyNumber(trees[["160"]], clusters_from_shifts(trees[["160"]], shifts_grid[["160_7"]]$edges)))

## 160 - 11
shifts_grid[["160_11"]] <- list(edges = c(107, 62, 255,
                                          18, 204, 175, 276,
                                          145, 219, 314, 83),
                                values = cbind(rep(1.7, p_base),
                                               rep(-1.7, p_base),
                                               rep(1.7, p_base),
                                               rep(1.7, p_base),
                                               rep(-1.8, p_base),
                                               rep(2.9, p_base),
                                               rep(2.2, p_base),
                                               rep(2.3, p_base),
                                               rep(-3.4, p_base),
                                               rep(-1.8, p_base),
                                               rep(-2.1, p_base)),
                                relativeTimes = rep(0, p_base))

# Means at the tips ?
Delta <- shifts.list_to_matrix(trees[["160"]], shifts_grid[["160_11"]])
W <- PhylogeneticEM:::compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric(trees[["160"]], alpha_base * diag(1, p_base, p_base))
vec_Y <- kronecker(T_tree[["160"]], diag(1, p_base, p_base)) %*% W %*% as.vector(Delta) <- matrix(vec_Y, p_base, 160) + beta_0
unique([1, ])
# plot_data.process.actual(Y.state =[1, ],
#                          phylo = trees[["160"]], 
#                          params = list(shifts = list(edges = shifts_grid[["160_11"]]$edges, values = shifts_grid[["160_11"]]$values[1, ])),
#                          adj.root = 0,
#                          automatic_colors = TRUE,
#                          margin_plot = NULL,
#                          cex = 2,
#                          bg_shifts = "azure2",
#                          bg_beta_0 = "azure2")
# Equivalent solutions ?
PhylogeneticEM:::extract.parsimonyNumber(parsimonyNumber(trees[["160"]], clusters_from_shifts(trees[["160"]], shifts_grid[["160_11"]]$edges)))

## 160 -  15
shifts_grid[["160_15"]] <- list(edges = c(107, 62, 255,
                                          18, 204, 175, 276,
                                          145, 219, 314, 83,
                                          282, 265, 119, 47),
                                values = cbind(rep(1.7, p_base),
                                               rep(-1.7, p_base),
                                               rep(1.7, p_base),
                                               rep(1.7, p_base),
                                               rep(-1.8, p_base),
                                               rep(2.9, p_base),
                                               rep(2.2, p_base),
                                               rep(2.3, p_base),
                                               rep(-3.4, p_base),
                                               rep(-1.8, p_base),
                                               rep(-2.1, p_base),
                                               rep(4.0, p_base),
                                               rep(-3.8, p_base),
                                               rep(-4.1, p_base),
                                               rep(-2.9, p_base)),
                                relativeTimes = rep(0, p_base))

# Means at the tips ?
Delta <- shifts.list_to_matrix(trees[["160"]], shifts_grid[["160_15"]])
W <- PhylogeneticEM:::compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric(trees[["160"]], alpha_base * diag(1, p_base, p_base))
vec_Y <- kronecker(T_tree[["160"]], diag(1, p_base, p_base)) %*% W %*% as.vector(Delta) <- matrix(vec_Y, p_base, 160) + beta_0
unique([1, ])
# plot_data.process.actual(Y.state =[1, ],
#                          phylo = trees[["160"]], 
#                          params = list(shifts = list(edges = shifts_grid[["160_15"]]$edges, values = shifts_grid[["160_15"]]$values[1, ])),
#                          adj.root = 0,
#                          automatic_colors = TRUE,
#                          margin_plot = NULL,
#                          cex = 2,
#                          bg_shifts = "azure2",
#                          bg_beta_0 = "azure2")
# Equivalent solutions ?
PhylogeneticEM:::extract.parsimonyNumber(parsimonyNumber(trees[["160"]], clusters_from_shifts(trees[["160"]], shifts_grid[["160_15"]]$edges)))

## 192 -  3
# plot(trees[["192"]], show.tip.label = FALSE); edgelabels(); tiplabels()
shifts_grid[["192_3"]] <- list(edges = c(57, 160, 307),
                               values = cbind(rep(1.7, p_base),
                                              rep(-1.7, p_base),
                                              rep(1.7, p_base)),
                               relativeTimes = rep(0, p_base))

# Means at the tips ?
Delta <- shifts.list_to_matrix(trees[["192"]], shifts_grid[["192_3"]])
W <- PhylogeneticEM:::compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric(trees[["192"]], alpha_base * diag(1, p_base, p_base))
vec_Y <- kronecker(T_tree[["192"]], diag(1, p_base, p_base)) %*% W %*% as.vector(Delta) <- matrix(vec_Y, p_base, 192) + beta_0
unique([1, ])
# plot_data.process.actual(Y.state =[1, ],
#                          phylo = trees[["192"]], 
#                          params = list(shifts = list(edges = shifts_grid[["192_3"]]$edges, values = shifts_grid[["192_3"]]$values[1, ])),
#                          adj.root = 0,
#                          automatic_colors = TRUE,
#                          margin_plot = NULL,
#                          cex = 2,
#                          bg_shifts = "azure2",
#                          bg_beta_0 = "azure2")
# Equivalent solutions ?
PhylogeneticEM:::extract.parsimonyNumber(parsimonyNumber(trees[["192"]], clusters_from_shifts(trees[["192"]], shifts_grid[["192_3"]]$edges)))

## 256 -  3
# plot(trees[["256"]], show.tip.label = FALSE); edgelabels(); tiplabels()
shifts_grid[["256_3"]] <- list(edges = c(137, 240, 363),
                               values = cbind(rep(1.8, p_base),
                                              rep(-1.7, p_base),
                                              rep(1.7, p_base)),
                               relativeTimes = rep(0, p_base))

# Means at the tips ?
Delta <- shifts.list_to_matrix(trees[["256"]], shifts_grid[["256_3"]])
W <- PhylogeneticEM:::compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric(trees[["256"]], alpha_base * diag(1, p_base, p_base))
vec_Y <- kronecker(T_tree[["256"]], diag(1, p_base, p_base)) %*% W %*% as.vector(Delta) <- matrix(vec_Y, p_base, 256) + beta_0
unique([1, ])
# plot_data.process.actual(Y.state =[1, ],
#                          phylo = trees[["256"]], 
#                          params = list(shifts = list(edges = shifts_grid[["256_3"]]$edges, values = shifts_grid[["256_3"]]$values[1, ])),
#                          adj.root = 0,
#                          automatic_colors = TRUE,
#                          margin_plot = NULL,
#                          cex = 2,
#                          bg_shifts = "azure2",
#                          bg_beta_0 = "azure2")
# Equivalent solutions ?
PhylogeneticEM:::extract.parsimonyNumber(parsimonyNumber(trees[["256"]], clusters_from_shifts(trees[["256"]], shifts_grid[["256_3"]]$edges)))

## Clean up
rm(W, vec_Y,, Delta)

# ################################################
# ## Renormalization of shifts to get a snr ~ 1
# ################################################
# ## factor
# renom_fact <-  1 / ((1-exp(-1))/(1-exp(-3)) * 2)
# fun <- function(z){
#   z$values <- z$values * renom_fact
#   return(z)
# }
# shifts_grid <- lapply(shifts_grid, fun)

## Define date-stamp for file names
datestamp_data <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")

## Transformation of the branch lengths
transform_tree_delta <- function(tree, delta){
  ntaxa <- length(tree$tip.label)
  anc <- tree$edge[, 1]
  des <- tree$edge[, 2]
  depths <- node.depth.edgelength(tree)
  h <- depths[1]
  depths[ntaxa+1:tree$Nnode] <- depths[ntaxa+1:tree$Nnode] ^ delta * h ^ (1-delta)
  tree$edge.length <- (depths[des] - depths[anc])

## simulation function 

moments_list <- vector("list") # keep the moments (avoid multiple computations)

# Return list of parameters + list of shifts + data at tips
datasetsim <- function(alpha, gamma, K, rd, rs, s, factor_shift,
                       ntaxa, NA_per, nrep, e, er, l, grp) {
  if (rs == 0 && s == 1){
    process_temp <- "scOU"
    alpha_mat <- alpha
    var_mat <- 2 * alpha * gamma * (diag(rep(1 - rd, p_base)) + matrix(rd, p_base, p_base))
  } else {
    process_temp <- "OU"
    if (rs != 0){
      alpha_mat <- alpha * (diag(rep(1 - rs, p_base)) + matrix(rs, p_base, p_base))
      sig2 <- 2 * alpha * gamma * (1-rs) * (1 + (p_base - 1) * rs) / (1 + (p_base - 2) * rs)
      var_mat <- sig2 * diag(rep(1, p_base))  # !! rd = 0 !! 
    } else {
      alpha_mat <- alpha * diag(s^(-(p_base+1)/2 + 1:p_base))
      var_mat <- 2 * gamma * alpha_mat # !! rd = 0 !! 
  var_mat <- as(var_mat, "symmetricMatrix")
  tree <- trees[[paste0(ntaxa)]]
  if (is.finite(l)){ # transform the tree lengths
    del <- rgamma(1, l, l) # gamma with variance 1/l, mean 1
    tree <- transform_tree_delta(tree, del)
  if (K > 0){
    shifts <- shifts_grid[[paste0(ntaxa, "_", K)]]
    # Multiplicative factor 
    shifts$values <- factor_shift * shifts$values
    # Randomly multiply by +1 or -1 each trait
    plusminus <- sample(c(-1, 1), p_base, replace = TRUE)
    shifts$values <- shifts$values * plusminus
  } else {
    shifts <- NULL
  root.state <- list(random = TRUE,
                     stationary.root = TRUE,
                     value.root = NA,
                     exp.root = beta_0,
                     var.root = compute_stationary_variance(var_mat, alpha_mat))
  params <-  list(variance = var_mat,
                  root.state = root.state,
                  shifts = shifts,
                  selection.strength = alpha_mat, 
                  optimal.value = beta_0)
  XX <- PhylogeneticEM:::simulate_internal(phylo = tree,
                 process = process_temp,
                 p = p_base,
                 root.state = root.state, 
                 variance = var_mat,
                 shifts = shifts, 
                 selection.strength = alpha_mat, 
                 optimal.value = beta_0,
                 checks = TRUE)
  sim <- list(alpha = alpha,
              gamma = gamma,
              K = K,
              rd = rd,
              rs = rs,
              s = s,
              factor_shift = factor_shift,
              ntaxa = ntaxa,
              NA_per = NA_per,
              nrep = nrep,
              grp = grp,
              shifts = shifts,
              Y_true = PhylogeneticEM:::extract_simulate_internal(XX, what="states", where="tips"),
              Z_true = PhylogeneticEM:::extract_simulate_internal(XX, what = "states", where = "nodes"),
              m_Y_true = PhylogeneticEM:::extract_simulate_internal(XX, what="expectations", where="tips"),
              tree = tree)
  sim$Y_data <- sim$Y_true
  error_mat <- e * (diag(rep(1-er, p_base)) + matrix(er, p_base, p_base))
  sim$Y_data <- sim$Y_data + t(mvrnorm(n = ntaxa, mu = rep(0, p_base), Sigma = error_mat))
  ## NAs
  if (NA_per > 0){
    nMiss <- floor(ntaxa * p_base * NA_per)
    miss <- sample(1:(p_base * ntaxa), nMiss, replace = FALSE)
    chars <- (miss - 1) %% p_base + 1
    tips <- (miss - 1) %/% p_base + 1
    for (i in 1:nMiss){
      sim$Y_data[chars[i], tips[i]] <- NA
  miss <- as.vector($Y_data))
  Y_data_vec <- as.vector(sim$Y_data)
  Y_data_vec_known <- as.vector(sim$Y_data[!miss])
  # Vectorized Data Mask
  masque_data <- rep(FALSE, (sim$ntaxa + tree$Nnode) * p_base)
  masque_data[1:(p_base*sim$ntaxa)] <- !miss
  ## Compute true likelihood and difficulty of the problem
  attr(params, "p_dim") <- p_base
  sim$params_simu <- params
  name_config <- paste(alpha, gamma, K, rd, rs, s, factor_shift, e, er, l,
                       ntaxa, NA_per, sep = "_")
  if (is.null(moments_list[[name_config]]) || (NA_per > 0)){
    moments_list[[name_config]] <<- PhylogeneticEM:::compute_mean_variance.simple(phylo = tree,
                                                                 times_shared = times_shared[[paste0(ntaxa)]],
                                                                 distances_phylo = distances_phylo[[paste0(ntaxa)]],
                                                                 process = process_temp,
                                                                 params_old = params,
                                                                 masque_data = masque_data,
                                                                 sim = XX)
  moments <- moments_list[[name_config]]
  moments$sim <- XX
  sim$log_likelihood.true <- PhylogeneticEM:::compute_log_likelihood.simple(phylo = tree,
                                                           Y_data_vec = Y_data_vec_known,
                                                           sim = moments$sim,
                                                           Sigma = moments$Sigma,
                                                           Sigma_YY_chol_inv = moments$Sigma_YY_chol_inv,
                                                           miss = miss,
                                                           masque_data = masque_data)
  ## Difficulty
  Sigma_YY_inv <- tcrossprod(moments$Sigma_YY_chol_inv)
  mu_0 <- (sum(Sigma_YY_inv))^(-1) * sum(Sigma_YY_inv %*% Y_data_vec_known)
  sim$difficulty <- as.vector(t(Y_data_vec_known - mu_0) %*% Sigma_YY_inv %*% (Y_data_vec_known - mu_0))
  # sim$difficulty <- as.vector(t(as.vector(sim$m_Y_true - mu_0)) %*% Sigma_YY_inv %*% as.vector(sim$m_Y_true - mu_0))
  sim$maha_data_mean <- PhylogeneticEM:::compute_mahalanobis_distance.simple(phylo = tree,
                                                            Y_data_vec = Y_data_vec_known,
                                                            sim = moments$sim,
                                                            Sigma_YY_chol_inv = moments$Sigma_YY_chol_inv,
                                                            miss = miss)
  if (NA_per == 0 && K > 0){
    Y_manova <- t(moments$Sigma_YY_chol_inv) %*% Y_data_vec_known
    Y_manova <- t(matrix(Y_manova, nrow = p_base))
    groups <- as.factor(allocate_regimes_from_shifts(tree, shifts$edges)[1:ntaxa])
    fit_manova <- manova(Y_manova ~ groups)
    sim$manova <- summary(fit_manova, test = "Pillai")$stat[1, 2]
  } else {
    sim$manova <- NA # Deal with NAs ? K= 0 ?

## Simulations
## Set seed

## Sequencial simulations (for reproductability)
simlist <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(simparams)) %do% {
  # simlist <- foreach(i = which(simparams$nrep == 1)) %do% {
  # simlist <- foreach(i = c(5201, 5204)) %do% {
  sim <- datasetsim(alpha = simparams[i, "alpha"],
                    gamma = simparams[i, "gamma"],
                    K = simparams[i, "K"],
                    rd = simparams[i, "rd"],
                    rs = simparams[i, "rs"],
                    s = simparams[i, "s"],
                    factor_shift = simparams[i, "factor_shift"],
                    ntaxa = simparams[i, "ntaxa"],
                    NA_per = simparams[i, "NA_per"],
                    nrep = simparams[i, "nrep"],
                    e = simparams[i, "e"],
                    er = simparams[i, "er"],
                    l = simparams[i, "l"],
                    grp = simparams[i, "grp"])
  sim$it <- i


names(simlist) <- apply(simparams, 1, paste0, collapse = "_")

save(simlist, simparams, nrep, process, p_base, beta_0, alpha_base, gamma_base,
     sigma_base, K_base, ntaxa_base, factor_shift_base, r_base, s_base,  NA_base,
     alpha_grid, K_grid, factor_shift_grid, r_grid, s_grid, NA_grid, ntaxa_grid,
     nrep, trees, times_shared, distances_phylo, T_tree, h_tree, lambda,
     shifts_grid, K_try,
     file = paste0(savedatafile, "_", datestamp_data, "_light.RData"))

save.image(paste0(savedatafile, "_", datestamp_data, ".RData"))
pbastide/PhylogeneticEM documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 1:27 a.m.